Monday, May 05, 2008

Train Set

I spent some of the weekend wiring up a switch for the train set. I now have two separate sections of track (joined so trains can travel between them but not joined electrically). I can control the sections from separate power supplies (allowing two trains to run at the same time) or control the whole board from the one supply. This is achieved using a switch and some fairly fancy (for me anyway) wiring.

On the list of things to do are:
  • House the wiring and switch properly;
  • Child-proof the two power supplies (so they don't get pulled off);
  • Fix a few sections of the track that seem to cause intermittent derailment;
  • Take some photos (and videos) of the train set in action;
  • Wire up the two "experimental" electrically controlled points (these will allow access to two sidings I have added);
  • Fix some things that have been broken;
  • Design and construct the tunnel, station and quarry.

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