Friday, September 18, 2015

Birds seen from my office window

List of birds seen from my first floor office window in Applecross, Perth, WA (in order seen/recorded).
  1. Silver Gull - regular fly-bys throughout the day
  2. Singing Honeyeater
  3. Rainbow Lorikeet - frequent
  4. Galah
  5. Australian Magpie - nesting nearby
  6. Australian Pelican - seen circling high
  7. Australian Raven - nesting nearby
  8. Red-tailed Black-cockatoo
  9. Red Wattlebird
  10. Laughing Dove
  11. Australian White Ibis
  12. Rock Dove
  13. Spotted Dove
  14. Willie Wagtail - road verge
  15. Brown Honeyeater
  16. Magpie-lark
  17. Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
  18. Eastern Osprey
  19. New Holland Honeyeater
  20. Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo
  21. Laughing Kookaburra

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Life is busy.
That is all.