For 2010 I am aiming to pass 250 - this should prove quite a challenge! A few of the target species are below:
- Common Pheasant and Indian Peafowl - going to have to take a day trip to Rottnest Island for these. Should also be able to pick up Rock Parrot and a wader or two hopefully as well.
- Noisy Scrub-bird/Western Bristlebird/Western Whipbird (a.k.a. the Big Three) - we are planning two trips to Cheynes Beach in 2010 so hopefully I can see these birds.
- White-browed Babbler (the first of many "inland from the metropolitan area" birds I want to see.
- Stubble Quail/Little Button-quail/Painted Button-quail - so far all quail apart from the Brown variety have eluded me.
- Cuckoos (generally). I have seen a few but should be seeing a lot more...
- Miscellaneous honeyeaters.
Please note that by targets I mean that I want to see and photograph these birds, not shoot them...